Monday, November 30, 2009

flesh colored Christs that glow in the dark!

straight from the emerald city

a new TRAPdoorProductions mix-tape coming soon.
featuring the likes of:
-Those Ghostfuckers
-Bearkat + the Loblolly Boy
-the Patter Cubs
-(the) Tyger, Tyger. (inside your head show)
-Danger Temper Monster Danger
and several more.

post here or email to request a copy (donations recommended, but never insisted).


Thursday, October 29, 2009

you were supposed to play.

Monday, September 28, 2009

commissioned monsters

from the twisted mind of mr. chad hanna, bostonian comicsmith.

Monday, August 17, 2009


(sorry about the short songs, haven't had the time to upload full versions)
(full band tunes coming as well)
(tapes done)
(want a copy?)
(a couple bucks would be nice)

-Patter Cubs

Thursday, August 13, 2009

food for thought: the Fluxus Manifesto

Alan Ball loves the trangression

Alan Ball , creator of True Blood, on his pull towards the grotesque and representative.

"I don’t want to just sit there and let something that is predigested wash over me and not really think about all of the weird, ambiguous and scary parts of life. I think trying to avoid those is ultimately self-destructive and also destructive in a global sense, because as a race we face a lot of really, really terrifying problems, and we live in a violent, irrational world. I like to confront that in symbolic ways through entertainment. I’m interested in things that reach down into your soul and your psyche and force you to confront the monsters that live there."

Sunday, August 9, 2009

THIS TOWN by hayley

Child, inside this Book of Monsters creeps
not a thing unreal (I’ve seen the filthiest
claws stalk ‘cross the pages --
scratch the books of History).

Here, in this Town of Monsters,
I’ve walked up and down the darkest streets,
little as I am, (too tired to be afraid);
I have never heard a human name.

Once, I made a vow to keep
my soft hands clean of scaling skin,
but then, in bright-spark flashing flame
lightning struck and broke my teeth.

For my apartment shakes with monsters.
they never stay for long, they go
fast like cigarettes, (like men)
and now, Faith, my son is dead.
my darling son is dead.

So, to hide myself, and you, from them
I’ve draped over my perfect skin, my
perfect human body, a thick and shapeless drape.
(I will never be naked again).

I will hide until they leave
Or at least until they sleep.

Child, it’s overrun with monsters
and they still control the world.

The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie

read this book.
filled to the brim with wacky words.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Hello, Hello,

A small shout from the backwoods of Maine.
Many enjoyable events taking place in the month of August.
(the) Yurt Shows, band debuts and incidentally an album release.

First off, a few melty minds are gathering in Alna, ME the 9th of August to indulge in an acoustic
evening of pysch.

Portland's Finest:

white light


(inept at computers so these links may not work)


The 19th of August

A Strange Maine Showing of Glade Swope, Cave Bears and the Patter Cubs

The Patter Cubs currently consists of loosely knit cohorts Lee (vocals, Banjo, mandolin, Barbie Karaoke Machine) , Jared (drum kit, percussion, maybe another washboard) Rachel (vocals, noise) Pete (guitar, vocals) Barbie Karaoke Machine

Cabin Trash is the musical currency we currently deal in.

An album is in the works (tape release only at the moment) and likewise a myspace page.

more events to take place this august but not quite pinned down at the moment

for more info contact me at

take care,

Friday, July 17, 2009

project IAMNOTAMONSTER underway

finally, the multimedia performance we've all been waiting for is forming its little prenatal genitalia.

TRAPdoorPRODUCTIONS is gathering the finest voices, artistic minds, and rebellious hoodlums of syracuse for an epic music-driven theatrical event.
though still only an overcast evening's worth of brainstorming, we of TRAPdoor's ZzA(ttic) chapter wish to welcome any puppet/costume makers, set designers, performing musicians, and aspiring thesbians to join the most enlightening and carnivalesque sideshow to ever be vomited upon a syracuse streetcorner.

email if yer interested.

thanks kindly,

Monday, June 8, 2009



i know it's terribly Kaufman-via-Cusack, but there is much to be done in the ancient but only recently made relevant art of puppetry.
im looking for any old amateur to help. of course, if anyone has actual experience making professional foam puppets, send any and all advice.

if curious, check out these sites for inspiration:

we're looking to integrate physical fiction into every viable art form.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

more binding agreements

perhaps the best means of establishing structure is by suggesting(,) condition(,) and holding eachother (to it).

The Tonto and Cheech Contract

We, Nina E Lyons and Reina Teresa Apraez vow to uphold a particular lifestyle based on the following

1. DJ a party.

-------------- at least one in respective places across the world.

2. The "FUCK SHIT UP" Clause

to confuse, shock, and open the minds of whom we come in contact with through everyday action and by seeking aesthetic experiences which satisfy us, the party in question.

------------- by "party" we are a party

3. Learn to tattoo!'

------------ we will be able to safely administer tattoos. even if it means prison tats on each other.

4. Live on a boat, mother fucker!

---------- ON A BOAT!

---------- mexico or bust

5. Stick Shift Cars

--------- Automatics are settling.

--------- We don't settle.

6. Do our best to seek luxury to our utmost capabilities

7. May no man or woman come between us.

-------- we got something special. no one else can have it. no one can break it.

8. Learn to work a car from under the hood, self-sufficiantly

9. Two-car U.S. road trip across U.S. (with tiajuana as a midpoint)

we race the cars in Minnesota - no holds bars - if both cars are wrecked, SO BE IT! we fly back home.

estimated date: Summer 2011


X Tonto EagleFeather

X Cheech Ramirez

Saturday, April 18, 2009

would like to formally thank each and every fresh face that showed up in a certain attic a certain number of nights ago.  obviously, we would be nothing without a rowdy crowd to jeer and cheer us on.
so thanks.
we are the music makers
we, friends, are the dreamers of dreams.

keep posted for more more more.  
will return again.
and this time, tuned and practiced.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

then wonka sings

a little nonsense now and then
is relished by the wisest men

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

oh, hey blog.

don't worry ben. I'm starting the revolution.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Heathen Holystone

I am
inclined to regard the Father with doubt
and the wheel of heaven, goddess of sunrise,
with duty. Our Lady, take it where you may, where
you will, because we have been dishonest. we are not
inclined the know that one leg is not the other.
I will
repeat, myself, that simile. reluctantly repeated,
the heavens are like that simile but out here in deep black
earth we know that (How unusual!) music
speaks well of men.
I was
taken by the sun, have never accepted visitors.
having lost the book of myths
I have found the scroll, the word, have learned
to play the burning question, to be
as I will, have learned to tread under scorn.
I am
under oath,
and I must tell you
that all angels
were not women but
may as well have been.

--hayley mason

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

relevant childsplay

so, i was babysitting the other day.  i asked the little girl, vivienne, age five, if she liked to draw.  she informed me that she preferred to color.  thus, i drew her a picture to color.  the result is the monster below (coloring of words and background by me):
little did she know that she was working on an advertisement.  
meanwhile, i had been encouraging her to draw something from her own imagination.  i asked if she would draw me a monster of her own.  vivienne said that she didnt know what monsters are supposed to look like.  i said that monsters can look like anything at all.  finally, while i was doodling a dinosaur for her to color, she handed me this (drawing by lil vivienne, coloring by me): 
i told her it was the best monster i'd seen in a long time.  ain't it?

lesson of the day: 
"flashlights in yr head at children"
-d.a. levy

a word to my homies

TRAPdoorPRODUCTIONS is in business.
anyone who wishes to publish (anything) under this umbrella label is openly encouraged.
it's as easy as 1, 2, 3 to add authors to this group's public interspace.
so please, ask if you're interested and post your artistic projects with reckless feckless abandon.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

we can't buy a vowel

you may have heard this dirty word on the radio, or been forced to listen to it stomp around on the funk'n'waffles stage, or perhaps some shadowy hipster whispered the curse in your partying ears.  
who is this GHOSTF_CKERS, you ask?  
why, it's the next best f_cking rock'n'roll extravaganza to hit the 'cuse since Lou Reed (received his honorary degree in english).

based upon the ghost-hunting principles of one Danila Usov:
GHOSTF_CKERS acts as an intermediary between the living and the dead.  
GHOSTF_CKERS primarily performs with and for commonplace ghosts of every walk of life. 
GHOSTF_CKERS consists of musicians, photographers, film-makers, and even an online college radio show.

GHOSTF_CKERS makes so much noise, nobody in the graveyard gets a wink.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

GHOSTF_CKERS! spit sex and drugs at funk'n'waffles

crazy woman blues feat. ms. whisper on the S.C.U.M.



perfect day

travelin song

welcome to the revolution

rend me your ears.

some have claimed that TRAPdoorPRODUCTIONS is only a fictional entity.
whether or not this is true is irrelevant. there is a growing community of creative minds concerned for our generation's 'folk' art. nestled snuggly in a paradigm which offers instantly retrievable knowledge, simultanious long-distance communtication, and a ceaseless flood of pop culture outputs, it is difficult to find the effort to make anything oneself.
so come on out and make a sound. TRAPdoorPRODUCTIONS is on 
the look-out for:

oral historians
soundscape artists
creative non-fiction writers
clappers, stompers, shouters, warblers, nightengales, whistlers, and other body musicians
collectors of the eccentric variety
penandinkers, gookonstuffers, doodleinclassers, and any type of impressionmaker.
PLUS! other positions available by creative suggestion...

TRAPdoorPRODUCTIONs looks to help every imagination-minded troublemaker to be taken seriously.

write a letter to 
TRAPdoor's syracuse chapter:
504 Greenwood Place
Syracuse, NY 13210
or email:
